
Syeda Tahura Jabeen

It is often said that the first impression you make on someone is the most important.

It can never happen again and usually is not forgotten. I believe this is true for education also. Kindergarten or preschool is a child’s first impression of the school.  Whether that impression is a good or bad one it will affect the child through the rest of their schooling.

I was fortunate to have a great first impression of school which helped me to decide to become a teacher. There are many reasons why I have chosen Preschool Education as my major. The biggest reason is not only because I have always had a love for children but also for learning.

The vision that I have for my classroom is like most of the classes when I was in preschool school. They were very colourful, full of books and art projects, and made you feel like you were at home. I will arrange the seats in clusters, in which two students will sit beside each other and then they will face two other students.

I believe that this is a less intimidating arrangement and allows the students to gain social skills The bulletin boards will have every students’ artwork or projects hanging up. The room will be decorated according to what time of year it is.

My supplemental materials will include extra books for the children to read, craft supplies, and anything else that I can find that will make learning more enjoyable for the students.

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