The classroom is the heart of every teacher as well as student. It is an unforgettable place that we remember throughout our entire life. It is a place where all students share same characteristics and attributes. The school combines traditional classes with Islamic instruction. Qaida as a subject taught...
Teaching is a demanding profession. At AMES we believe in creativity and innovation. To make our teaching more effective we have block system at our school. In Emerald block theme was green as block name was emerald. I used to have all the green objects in my class related...
Elementary school educational approach is basically based on playing, singing, practical activities such as drawing, moulding and social interaction as a part of the transition from home to school. And AMES Kids is a beautiful fairyland playschool which plays an important role in a child’s life. It is a...
In the Diamond block of Sr. KG, we follow the concept of having a mother teacher. This helps the teacher in understanding the child and developing a support between the learner and the teacher and also helps in better understanding of various development stages of the child especially cognitive...
Play-based pedagogy describes an approach where the teacher recognizes that children learn best through an active, hands-on, playful environment. In a play-based classroom, the teacher makes decisions about the daily schedule, the environment, the materials, interactions and activities based upon the strengths, needs, interests and input of the students...